Invisalign versus conventional bracesWhy have Invisalign™?

One of the main reasons that adults don’t like having braces is because they are so obvious, not many people are prepared to have traditional metal train track braces as an adult. This is where Invisalign offers you an alternative and is completely wireless.

Take a look at this photograph here, it’s difficult to believe that the woman in the foreground is actually wearing braces! But it’s true, Invisalign is almost completely imperceptible, clear and effective.

aligner_seriesWhat is Invisalign™?

Invisalign consists of a series of clear aligners. Each aligner puts a small amount of pressure on your teeth in the desired direction and moves them just a little bit towards their final destination.

Every two weeks you will replace your aligner with the new one which will continue this process.
The typical Invisalign treatment takes approximately 18 months to 2 years to complete.

How does it work so well?

Invisalign works so well due to a number of factors:

  1. The digital imaging that is done at the beginning of treatment.
  2. The planning stage, again all done digitally.
  3. The clear aligners which are comfortable and easy to wear and almost imperceptible.
  4. You can remove the aligner for convenience when eating and cleaning.

At the beginning of your Invisalign treatment you will undergo a Clincheck©.

Impressions of your teeth will be sent off to the Invisalign centre where they will be digitised. We will then receive back a video showing your teeth before and after treatment.

This video will actually show your teeth moving on the screen.

You will need to wear your Invisalign clear braces for at least 20 hours per day, removing them only to eat and clean your teeth. So long as you follow this process and stick to your treatment plan you will see amazing results within the time originally agreed.

What would life be like with straighter teeth?

Just take a few moments to imagine now how much better you might feel with cdsprofileimagestraighter teeth. An increase in confidence is often a primary reason for people to go ahead with orthodontic treatment, and that’s exactly what it provides. Added to this the advantages of being able to keep your teeth cleaner when they are straighter means that orthodontics is an extremely valid and important part of modern cosmetic dentistry and dental health.

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 More orthodontic questions answered

  • How much will treatment cost?

    We know price is an important consideration for you. There is no way to accurately answer this question without first coming in for a consultation. At that initial meeting the dentist will examine you and take xrays etc. From this he will be able to give you an accurate figure of cost. In our practice the average investment is in the region of £2000+/- – this will include all necessary impressions, records, radiographs, all aligners, any refinements needed and retainers. There are many factors that determine the cost of your Orthodontic treatment: how extensive the issues you want corrected, how long your treatment plan will last, where you live, and the specific treatment details prescribed by your dentist or orthodontist.

  • How can you prepare for treatment?

    We would carry out an extensive oral health assessment ensuring that you are dental ready for any treatment. We would need to make sure all teeth are disease free and the gums healthy. This will provide optimum conditions for the best result.

  • Am I suitable for treatment?

    The best and cheapest way is to book in for a FREE smile assessment. At this appointment we can see if which treatment is suitable for you and what kind of final result you would expect.

  • How long will the process take?

    Each individual case varies. This can range from 6 months to up to a year for the other forms of treatment.

  • Will it hurt?

    There could be some discomfort during the initial stages of tooth movement. The way orthodontics works is to introduce constant but steady pressure on your teeth. This results in you only feeling light pressure on the teeth. You would not experience any pain, just some discomfort, which means the teeth are moving.